Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Freakin' Illuminati? Really?

Ugh, so we have houseguests right now. Fun. Can I say that I really don't like houseguests? Sure, it's great to see friends and family, but after a few days you are driving me insane. I like it even less now that I have kids. Do not get in the way of me disciplining my kids. Do not look at me like I'm the devil incarnate for taking my kids food away when he throws it at me. Do NOT use curse words in front of my children when you have been asked not to. And yes, I do consider "hell", "shit" and "damn" curse words. Do you here my husband and I speaking like that? No. Do you think we want our very impressionable kids speaking like this? No. So please respect our wishes.

Oh, and woman, you are a friggin' LOON! The Illuminati do not control our government. The election has not already been determined and yes I will be voting. Call me naive if you want, I don't care. I have more hope in our system that that. Do have have faith in our government system? Not so much, but I do have hope that it can be improved and if we want it improved we have to voice our opinions and concern.

Another thing, what happened on 9/11 was a terrorist attack, not the Kennedy/Rockefeller/Vanderbuilt families conspiring to control the US. I'm sick of your cynicism. I'm sick of your flipping conspiracy theories. We had made a choice to retire in your hometown, but I'm seriously questioning that now. I do not want my children exposed to your warped world view. I do not want them having their grandmother questioning our values and beliefs and telling them/implying that they are wrong.

You are entitled to your own opinion, but do not try to force them on me. Do not try to imply that I'm a sheep and I'm just believing what "they" want me to believe. Who are "they" anyway? Oh, yeah, I forgot, the Illuminati. Or is it the major money families? I forget.

And the bailout is not a government conspiracy to get the world public to agree to a One World Bank where we are controlled even more. You believe this crap so much that you are just a cynical woman who has no faith in the goodness of this world.

I could go on, but I will stop. Hmph. Ok, one more thing, your son is MY HUSBAND! My kids are MINE. You are their grandmother, not their mom. Ok, really done now. Are they gone yet?