Monday, January 19, 2009


It's amazing the difference a couple of months can make, isn't it? We struggled for a while about where God wanted us, but after praying hard about it together (my husband and I, that is) God really made us realize that we WERE where God wanted us! I think that no matter where you attend church, you are going to go through times when you are conflicted with things. Afterall, while God is over all, the attendees and leaders are human. None of us is perfect.

Does that mean I agree with everything at the church? No. Do I still love my church? Absolutely! I cannot imagine going to church anywhere else right now. God has blessed us with so many people in the church family who love and support us. If the kids and I show up to church without the man, at LEAST 3 people will ask where he is. If I am walking the kids out to the car, one of the teenagers will pick up one and help me get them buckled in without asking if I want help, she'll just DO it!

I have people who tell me they miss us when we aren't there and come to me and tell me they are praying for my children. When I mention that I'm not sleeping well I have offers to help with the kids. Do I take them up on it? Nah, but if I really needed to, I know I could in a heartbeat.

Just tonight, the women of the church came together for fellowship (and dessert) to kick off a women's ministry! I am so excited to help in any way I can with this and look forward to getting to know some of the women I haven't had the chance to get to know yet.

Thank you so much for all of your kind words regarding my last post. It is SO important to me to feel welcome at a church and feel like an important asset, and now I realize that we are. God has placed us here for a reason.